Central Cafe Works to Receive Liquor License

The Central Cafe is interested in serving beer and wine at their business location off of Central Avenue.
The new cafe opened in February and has been viewed as a positive addition to the community. The new business is celebrated by the nearby residents and businesses because there are not many locations like the cafe in close proximity. With several community testimonials during the City of Cheyenne Council meeting last night the primary concern was maintaining a family friendly atmosphere. Central Cafe representative Katy Rinne addressed the concern, stating that the liquor license would be used to serve beer and wine, with no intentions of serving hard alcohol. The Central Cafe plans to host later business lunches where guests can enjoy a glass of wine or even meet friends in the evening along-side their kids to enjoy the atmosphere together. Staff will personally serve the tables that purchased the alcoholic beverage, ensuring legal consumption, while following state liquor laws.
Next the request will be referred to the City of Cheyenne Finance Committee.