Increase in Traffic causes Wildlife Crashes

Slow down for safety!
The Wyoming Highway Patrol has seen a substantial increase in traffic on Wyoming’s highways during the 2017 Solar Eclipse event. We would like to remind everyone, motorists may experience heavy traffic congestion in certain areas across the state. Please follow the law and slow down and move over for law enforcement and vehicles with flashing lights. There have also been several vehicles versus wildlife crashes in the state over the weekend, so please look out for wildlife.
On Monday, August 21st, at the conclusion of the Solar Eclipse, motorists may experience long delays on Wyoming Highways as travelers are heading home. This is especially concerning along the Interstate 25 corridor. Make sure you have plenty of food, water, and fuel.
Troopers across the state are working extended shifts to ensure the motoring public will remain safe. We are asking all drivers to limit distractions within the vehicle and focus on driving. If you do see traffic coming to a near stop or stand still, please be patient. To avoid heavy traffic, we suggest you stay a little longer and enjoy what Wyoming has to offer.
For additional Tips for a Safe Eclipse Viewing visit this website.