Lyman to command Wyo. Air National Guard

Congratulations Col. Paul Lyman!
CHEYENNE, Wyo. – Col. Paul Lyman, the Wyoming Air National Guard’s 153rd Airlift Wing commander, was chosen to become the next Wyoming Air National Guard commander. He will assume command in November.
Lyman will succeed Brig. Gen. Steve Rader, who will retire. Rader has served as the assistant adjutant general since 2015.
“Col. Lyman will continue in his predecessor’s footsteps in leading the Wyoming Air Guard,” said Maj. Gen. Luke Reiner, Wyoming’s adjutant general.
“It’s an honor to be selected as the next Wyoming Air National Guard commander,” Lyman said. “I’m looking forward to tackling future challenges, including operational contingencies and manning concerns.”
Lyman has served as the wing commander since February 2016. Prior assignments have included serving as the Wyoming Air Guard including 153rd Airlift Wing vice wing commander, 153rd Mission Support Group commander and Wyoming Air Guard Headquarters liaison officer.