2nd Annual Cheyenne Day of Service Kicks Off with Civic Center Commons Ribbon-Cutting

Saturday, May 11th is going to a big day for the City of Cheyenne with the Cheyenne Day of Service and the Ribbon Cutting Event for the Civic Center Commons.
The Civic Center Commons will be completed and celebrated at the Ribbon-Cutting scheduled for Saturday, May 11th at 9 .am. The festivities will take place at the newly established park across from Cheyenne Municipal Building, 2101 O’Neil Ave. This same event will launch the 2nd Annual Cheyenne Day of Service. This is where community volunteers will be given public cleanup/repair projects to complete after they leave the Commons. Residents also are encouraged to clean up their neighborhoods or public areas, or volunteer in some other way to help someone in need during the day. Community members are encouraged to plan their cleanup activity on the special day.
Volunteers are welcomed to register their family or group for a community project, contact Sam Payne, City of Cheyenne parks manager, at 307-637-6433 or spayne@cheyennecity.org.
Among the group projects available are:
Fence staining:
- Romero Park
- North Cheyenne Community Park parking lot
Storey Boulevard - Junior League fields
Trash cleanup:
- Interstate 80 corridor
- Crow Creek, from 19th Street to Parsley Boulevard
Taft Greenway section to the College Drive section near Cleveland Avenue, then south toward UPRR tracks
Lake Absarraca - Greenway from Norris Viaduct to College Drive
- Greenway along Dry Creek
Photo By: Warehouse Twenty One