Wyoming Military Department Retires Two This Weekend
The Wyoming Military Department held retirement ceremonies for two this weekend.
Saturday, April 7, 2018 was the retirement ceremony for CMSgt William “Bill” Whipple, after serving for 41 years in the military. CMSgt Whipple was the seventh Command Chief Master Sergeant to the Adjutant General of Wyoming. He enlisted in the United States Air Force in 1976. During his ceremony many shared memories of great achievements as well as many stories that provided laughter. He has been instrumental in the changes and growth of the Wyoming Cowboy Challenge Academy. Since his involvement there has been over 900 graduates of the program.
Sunday, April 8, 2018 the Wyoming Military Department held a retirement ceremony for Brigadier General Tammy J. Maas. Leadership was a common word during the ceremony while describing BG Maas’ achievements. During her 39 years of service BG Maas aimed high and achieved many successes in encouraging women within the military. Currently 23`of the 1503 serving in the Wyoming Guard are women, largely in part of BG Maas’ leadership. Her leadership as a Construction & Facilities Management Officer from 2005-2008 continues to be strong, as Wyoming is one of eight states that has military construction going on today. During her years of service she completed Leadership Cheyenne, Leadership Wyoming and became involved in many civic organizations.
Congratulations to both CMSgt Whipple and BG Maas, along with their families, as they move on to the next phase in their lives.