Array School of Technology & Design Acquired

The Array School of Technology and Design is excited to announce new ownership.
Dan and Amy Surdam acquired Array from Board Members in August 2018. Dan and Amy Surdam own Stitches Acute Care Centers in Cheyenne and Laramie and are committed to furthering healthcare in Wyoming through innovation.
According to Dr. Surdam, “We approached Array in March 2018 to help us design a telemedicine platform and from there began bigger discussion of acquisition. We are very thankful to the Board and team for all of the hard work to get Array to the successful place that it is. Our goal is to help create a highly desired and diversified workforce in Wyoming for Wyoming and by partnering on healthcare initiatives such as telemedicine advancement. We have followed Array since conception and strongly believe in the core mission and look forward to building on the success of the previous board. ”
Eric Trowbridge will remain with the organization as the CEO and the Advisory Board will remain in place. Jesse Johnston, an Array graduate, has recently joined the team as the Director of Student Affairs.
Per previous Board President, Matt Kaufman, “We are excited that Dan and Amy Surdam are assuming the leadership role for Array. They are seasoned entrepreneurs and successful business owners who we feel are in an excellent position to help take Array to the next level.”
Array is currently teaching it’s fourth class of full web stack development to students who will graduate in March 2019.