Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wyoming Launches #WyomingTogether Initiative

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wyoming (BCBSWY) is recognizing acts of togetherness through their new initiative, #WyomingTogether.
For some, helping communities recover means staying at home, and for others—medical personnel and grocery store workers alike, it means showing up to work every day.
“Our small state thrives when all of us come together to help others in their homes and communities and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wyoming (BCBSWY) wants to share appreciation for the acts of caring we’re witnessing across the state,” shared BCBSWY.
BCBSWY has teamed up with the First Lady of Wyoming, Jennie Gordon, through the Wyoming Hunger Initiative. Through this program, they help ensure Wyoming families do not go hungry during uncertain times. The goal of the Wyoming Hunger Initiative is to end childhood hunger in Wyoming. BCBSWY has donated $100,000 to the program to help support local anti-hunger programs and build new programs, like Food from the Field, that will have a lasting impact on solving food insecurity in Wyoming communities.
“Food scarcity is near and dear to our hearts, because it’s hard to stay healthy if you’re hungry. Now, with so many of our Wyoming neighbors struggling to make ends meet, this is one more way we can help.” said Diane Gore, president and CEO of BCBSWY.
“We have launched #WyomingTogether as a way to recognize the many ways people have come together to offer a neighborly hand to support each other, local businesses, health care providers and the people who keep our state running”, Gore said. “BCBSWY is committed to doing what we can, and we’re encouraged by what we see others doing.”