Carey Junior High Groundbreaking

The new Carey Junior High will be located off of Pershing Blvd. just down the way from Cheyenne East High School.
Carey Junior High’s new building has been a conversation for a long time. Wyoming State Legislators during the recent session gave $43.5 million to the School Facilities Commission for the purpose of constructing the new middle school in Laramie County School District #1. Funds were appropriated by both House and Senate, making this a fully supported Bill for Governor Matt Mead back in March.
Today, November 12, 2018, a ground breaking ceremony was held for the new building. Several students, parents, educators and administrators were present. There were also many state and county elected officials present for today’s ground breaking ceremony. Showing that this is a need to fostering our youth to create future leaders for our community.
Derek Nissen, Carey Junior High Principal spoke to the crowd and said, “I am not only the Principal at this school, but I was also a student. It is exciting to see this project happen.”
Having the new facility will allow for the Carey Junior High School faculty to fully implement a middle-level model in the school. The current location has been hindering their ability to do so and is a 65 year old building. The new building will also help with cost savings. To maintain the current building it was referenced in a Wyoming Tribune Eagle article back in March of 2018 that LCSD #1 “spent nearly $60,000 just in repairs to Carey Junior High over the past 2½ years.”
The appropriated funds were made available in July and the groundbreaking which was held today marks the start of the construction of the new Carey Junior High School. It is expected to take 18-24 months to fully construct the facility.