CFD Old West Museum Announces Virtual Opening Reception for the 40th Annual Western Art Show & Sale

The CFD Old West Museum and the Western Art Show Committee are pleased to announce the Virtual Opening Reception for the 40th Annual CFD Western Art Show and Sale on Thursday, July 16 from 6pm-8pm MDT. This event will take place on Facebook Live.
The Western Art Show Committee felt it was necessary to take appropriate actions in-line with state and county public health officials and Cheyenne Frontier Days in regards to the COVID-19 pandemic. While continuing to fundraise for and support the Museum, the Committee voted to pivot the Opening Reception to a virtual platform.
The kickoff to the Western Art Show will be hosted on Thursday, July 16, with the Virtual Opening Reception on Facebook Live. The event will feature appearances from the Museum’s artists as well as special guests. While the opening is free to view on Facebook, audience members who wish to purchase art during the event must purchase a ticket to the event.
As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, the Museum relies heavily on donations, admission to the Museum, events admission, and art sales. Ticket sales alone for the Western Art Show & Sale raise enough funds for the Museum to pay for nearly a month of operating expenses.
Since 1981, the Committee has raised over $3 million in support of the CFD Old West Museum’s day-to-day operations through the Western Art Show. Today, this high-caliber art show has become the Museum’s largest fundraiser, supporting nearly a quarter of our operating expenses.
Members of the general public may view the show at the Museum from July 17 to August 16 at the price of Museum admission during regular operating hours. Guests may also virtually walk through the show starting on July 16.
For additional information please contact Art Show Coordinator, Cameron Green, at or by calling (307)-778-7289.