Charter Spectrum Brings Gig Service to Cheyenne

Coming this fall: Spectrum gig internet to residents and businesses throughout Cheyenne.
Charter Communication Spectrum is deploying a new network service that will provide quicker speeds. This is the next generation of wifi. This business is the first to provide this service to the community. During the presentation Charter Spectrum Reach expressed their pledge to remain on the cutting edge of technology. Various dignitaries were in attendance during the announcement and special guests included Governor Matt Mead, City of Cheyenne Mayor Orr and President/CEO of the Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce, Dale Steenbergen.
“We are so excited by the announcement today. We are particularly thankful for our partnership with great companies like Charter Spectrum.” shared Governor Matt Mead.
Governor Mead further explained that connectivity and access to this kind of service is critical for businesses in the State. Connectivity is important to all industries from education to healthcare, as well as private industry. Therefore this advancement is a positive investment for the local economy.
“We have to give power in the hands of our businesses.” Shared Dale Steenebergen, President/CEO of the Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce when talking about the importance of this investment, “We are celebrating a great partner that sees opportunity in our State and our community.”