Cheyenne to become a Purple Heart City

Cheyenne to be the 1st city in Wyoming to be named a Purple Heart City.
Many members from the community, including retired military members, active military and a purple heart recipient expressed their support and gave thanks to the city council in considering the declaration and proclamation of August 7 as Purple Heart Day and the City of Cheyenne to be a Purple Heart City.
A couple of comments included: Larry Barttelbort – Wyoming Veterans Commission Director, soon to retire said, this about Cheyenne, “It’s very fitting that Cheyenne lead the way.”
Peter Howard said, “We often use the word veteran as a feel good measure, but all to often we think about veterans as a concept instead of individuals. Please consider these individuals in roles of leadership.”
The motion passed unanimously and proved that Cheyenne, WY is a leader and that the members of this community will continue to support our military, both active and retired.
You can watch the comments and discussion below.