City Considers County Pockets Annexation

Within the boundaries of the City exist 65 County pockets representing approximately 127 independently owned properties. County pockets are unincorporated areas of land surrounded by the City that are typically not served by City services and have been developed in accordance with County rules and regulations. The City Council identified the annexation of county pockets as a 2022 priority. The City intends to initiate annexation of these pockets pursuant to Wyo. Stat. § 15-1-404 in phases over the course of the next 18-months. Annexing properties will also require establishment of a City zone district.
Since this annexation action is City-initiated, property owners will not be responsible for fees or costs that are typically associated with annexation and zoning. This represents a savings of approximately $12,000 for property owners annexed ($5,000 – $10,000 typical cost for mapping and surveying and $2,225 in City application fees).
County pockets are not served by Cheyenne Fire Rescue or the Cheyenne Police Department and depend on a Fire District and Sheriff Deputy response for emergency which oftentimes result in a delayed response. Typically, water and sewer service are not provided, however in certain cases users have entered into an outside user’s agreement for service which mandates an increased rate (150% of the in-City cost). Upon annexation, rates for users presently subject to an outside user’s agreement will default to City-standard rates.
At the time of annexation, the City will not require upgrade to any individual properties or structures, installation of any public utilities, connection to City services, or upgrades to adjacent streets. Public improvements will only be required upon a development action, such as subdivision of a property, construction of new multifamily or non-residential development, or a change of use of the property. Permits for remodeling or additions to existing structures, that retain their existing use, or connections to water and sewer systems, will not trigger full public improvements.
Assessment Estimator
The table below shows an estimate of how annexation may affect property taxes for a specific property. The table also notes the expected City-revenue from the City’s 8.0 mill assessment which supports the City’s non-enterprise funds and special projects.
Market Value | County Assessment | City Assessment | Increased Annual Assessment | General Fund Revenue |
$75,000 | $478 | $514 | $36 | $57 |
$125,000 | $797 | $857 | $59 | $95 |
$175,000 | $1,116 | $1,199 | $83 | $133 |
$225,000 | $1,435 | $1,542 | $107 | $171 |
$275,000 | $1,754 | $1,885 | $131 | $209 |
$325,000 | $2,073 | $2,227 | $154 | $247 |
$375,000 | $2,392 | $2,570 | $178 | $285 |
$425,000 | $2,711 | $2,913 | $202 | $323 |
$475,000 | $3,030 | $3,255 | $226 | $361 |
$525,000 | $3,540 | $3,804 | $264 | $422 |
For more detailed estimates, a property tax estimator is available for download here: Property Tax Estimator(XLSX, 11KB)
Utilities and Public Improvements
Upon annexation, properties will be have police and fire response, pay City-water and sewer rates if connected, and be eligible for sewer and water service connections. Ordinances are presently being revised to clarify that a connection to water or sewer will not trigger public improvements such as construction of street, curb, gutter, and sidewalk. In certain cases, main extensions may be required to provide sewer or water service. In the event an existing septic system fails or needs replacement and connection is not feasible, an exception process exists to allow replacement.
Public improvements such as road construction, will only be required upon action by the property owner. Public improvements will be required upon subdivision or change of use. Road construction will not be required for sewer or water connections.
Land Use Expectations
Upon annexation, lands will typically be zoned in accordance with PlanCheyenne which is the City and County’s joint Land Use Plan. The existing use of the property, including any livestock use, will be allowed to continue as is as a nonconforming use. Nonconforming uses may continue until they are abandoned for a period of 12-months.
Residents will be encouraged to complete a form detailing the existing use of the land for documentation purposes. Documentation of existing conditions can be provided in a variety of ways. Written narratives supported by site photos, business licenses, tax statements, leases, and relevant information are encouraged. This form will be available in upcoming weeks.
June 24th City Council Work Session
On June 24, 2022, the City Council held a work session on this topic. The PowerPoint Presentation is available here: Presentation (PDF, 2MB)
The Work Session video is available here:
Useful Links
Community Plan (2014):
This element of the plan was adopted in 2014 and addresses the community’s basic form and land-use patterns. The plan can be accessed here: Community Plan
Parks and Recreation Master Plan (2006):
This element of the plan was adopted in 2006 and addresses the community’s parks and recreation needs. The plan is available at the following link: Parks and Recreation Master Plan
Long Range Transportation Plan (2020):
This element of the plan was adopted in 2020 and addresses the community’s current and future transportation needs. The plan is available at the following link: Connect 2045(PDF, 112MB)
Future Land Use Plan and Transportation Plan Map (2020):
This element of the plan was adopted in 2020 and represents a regional Future Land Use and Transportation Plan. The plan is available by clicking here: Future Land Use Plan(PDF, 2MB)
For information Zoning: Cheyenne General Information Map
For information on property taxes, visit the County Assessor’s page here: County Assessor’s Page
For information regarding Property Tax, including Mill Levies, visit the County Treasurer’s general information page here: County Treasurer’s General Information Page