City’s First County Pocket Annexation

The City of Cheyenne posted notice for five properties being annexed into the city in conjunction with the City Council’s 2022 goal to annex county pockets. The public notice signs have been posted in front of multiple properties in the area northeast of Ridge Road and Pershing Boulevard.
In December of 2022, before this county pocket annexation was initiated, the City voluntarily mailed letters to property owners who proposed annexation to invite them to an informational meeting. On January 20, 2023, the City mailed notices of the related zone change to property owners within the annexation area and 300 feet of the areas proposed for annexation. On January 27, 2023, certified mail was sent to property owners within the annexation area and affected franchise utilities, in accordance with state statute.
To date, many residents have expressed interest in annexation and have indicated a desire to take advantage of the cost savings associated with a city-initiated annexation. Community members are welcome to complete a voluntary annexation form to express interest in annexing sooner than later as part of this process. A voluntary annexation form is available on the city’s annexation web page at
The county pocket annexation goal will lead to the annexation of properties 100 percent surrounded by city limits. Landowners owning property 100 percent surrounded by the city are also asked to complete a land use documentation form to document the use of the property. The existing use of a property, including any livestock use, will be allowed to continue as a nonconforming use. This form is also available on the city’s annexation webpage at
Prior to the annexation of future county pockets, the City will contact affected property owners by mail to invite them to an informational meeting to discuss the process, zoning, and expectations. All questions may be directed to the City’s Planning and Development Department by emailing or calling (307) 637-6282.