Crow Creek Cleanup is Saturday, 30 April
The annual Crow Creek clean-up is scheduled for 8:00am, Saturday, April 30th, 2022. Meeting location will be at 1st Street between Morrie Avenue and Russell Avenue. Volunteers are strongly encouraged to wear sturdy boots or shoes, waterproof waders or long pants, gloves, long sleeves, and other attire appropriate for cleaning in and around Crow Creek as well as for the day’s weather – as the spring weather in Cheyenne can be quite unpredictable.
The Environment is one of seven areas of focus of Rotary International – a global network of 1.2 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves. The Rotary Club of Cheyenne has committed to support this effort by joining the efforts of our local City of Cheyenne government, local businesses, and Crow Creek Revival Committee to protect and revitalize Crow Creek and its tributaries.
Please contact Brent Lathrop at or 307-286-7661 if interested in participating as an individual, a business, or would like to set up a team to tackle a segment of Crow Creek.