Halloween Costume Drive
Posted On September 29, 2017
United Way of Laramie County Emerging Leaders 3rd Annual Halloween Costume Drive
You may have seen Costume Drive Bins throughout Laramie County. Please stop and drop your new or gently used costumes in the bin for a child in need! Here are the locations you can drop off a costume today:
ANB Bank
Blue Cross Blue Shield (2 bins)
Blue Federal Credit Union (3 locations)
Halladay Motors
The Hathaway Building
Jonah Bank
Safe Harbor
Wyoming Office of Tourism
Trophy Creative
Wyoming State Parks
Also, there is an urgent Need for Volunteers |
Assistance is needed to sort and deliver Halloween Costumes for the kids in our community!
If you’re interested in volunteering, please contact Margaret Dobelmann at (307)638-8904 ext 10 or officeassist@