How to Purchase Wyoming State Park Annual Day Use & Camping Permits for 2022

Wyo Parks is moving to a new and improved system for annual permit sales!
While they transition to the new system, parks and selling agents will temporarily be unable to sell day use and camping permits. In the meantime, all annual day use and camping permits must be purchased through Reserve America online at or by phone at 877-996-7275.
Benefits to the New System:
The new system will streamline the customer experience by linking permits to the customer’s account with Reserve America. This will also help Wyo Parks combat misuse in the reservation system. Each year, thousands of dollars are lost to misuse of the reservation system, such as:
- Use of fake permit numbers
- Sharing permit numbers
- Creating multiple accounts to book more sites/more days than allowed
Preventing these types of abuse will help ensure that visitors are paying their fair share. Visitor fees are vital to Wyo Parks! 100% of revenue collected through visitor fees goes right back to parks and sites to fund new construction, improvement projects, site interpretation and maintenance. They also think these changes will increase campsite availability by reducing no-shows and improving compliance for length of stay limits.
Selling Agents & Parks Sales:
Wyoming State Parks plans to transition parks and selling agents to the new system sometime before March.
More Information:
Thank you for your patience as Wyoming State Parks make these important enhancements to their system. For more information, please contact Wyo Parks headquarters by phone at 307-777-6323 or email to .