Hynds Building Resolution Repealed by City Council

Last Monday, July 8th the Cheyenne City Council repealed the resolutions related to the “expedient development” of the Cheyenne historic building, The Hynds Building.
In 2017, a $750,000 was pledged by the City Council for the construction of a parking facility to be paired with the restoration of the neighboring building, The Hynds. The Downtown Core, comprised of the Downtown Development Authority, Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce, Cheyenne LEADS, and Visit Cheyenne had this as a priority on the adopted Downtown Core Plan. It was an objective under “Build It.”
The resolution to repeal was to address funding needs at the City of Cheyenne for continued Air Service. During the meeting discussion was more about just re-appropriating these funds to this immediate need but the overall support for The Hynds Building is still prevalent. This building has been vacant in downtown Cheyenne for more than 30 years. David Hatch, the most recent developer took efforts in 2016-2017 to develop the property but with time feasibility of completion had dwindled and he has chosen to sell the property. It has been on the market and awaiting a purchaser.
According to an article by the Wyoming Business Report, City Council Chairman, Rocky Case, shared, “The Genesis of that was a $650,000 miss in the budget that needed to be rectified at the last minute related to the air service, so the attempt and success at pulling that back had nothing to do with lack of support as it relates to ‘the hole’ and the Hynds.”