Laramie County Fair Board Announces 2018 Ambassadors

The Laramie County Fair Board is pleased to announce the selection of Sophia Auer, Bethany Ocheskey, Madison Hughes, and Rudy Nesvik as the 2018 Laramie Fair Ambassadors.
The Ambassador Scholarship Program is open to Laramie County youth ages 16-21. They have to have participated in the Laramie County Fair in the past or plan to participate in the upcoming year.
Sophia Auer is a senior at Cheyenne Central High School. She is President of the Legacy 4-H Club and an active member of the High Plains FFA Chapter. Outside of the classroom, she spends a lot of time traveling, hiking, and working. This year, she will show a market steer as her final Fair project. Sophia will attend Black Hills State University in the fall to study Communications.
Bethany Ocheskey is currently a junior at Cheyenne Central High School and President of the High Plains FFA Chapter. She has raised and shown market lambs and will show her market steer named Russell at this year’s Fair. Bethany is very excited to serve her community at this year’s Laramie County Fair!
Madison Hughes is a senior at Cheyenne East High School. She is new to Laramie County, but has been a very active 4-H member for the past five years showing a variety of animals including llamas, rabbits, pigs, and poultry. After graduation, Madison plans to attend Eastern Wyoming College in Torrington, Wyoming, to begin her education to become a Livestock Veterinarian.
Rudy Nesvik is a junior at Cheyenne Central High School and currently the Vice President of the High Plains FFA Chapter. He has shown market hogs and has also raised and shown Registered Black Angus. As an active 4-H member, Rudy also participates in 4-H Shooting Sports including archery, air rifle, and .22 rifle.
The Ambassadors will have a very busy season promoting the Laramie County Fair and events. They will speak with many youth programs, daycares, and organizations throughout the summer as well as participate in Cheyenne Frontier Day’s parades, Neighborhood Night Out, and Super Day. They will also be featured on the local television station and on local radio stations promoting the Fair events to the community. Please contact the Fair Office at (307) 633-4670 for more information on the Ambassador Scholarship program.
The 2018 Laramie County Fair will kick-off July 30th-August 2nd at the Archer Complex with the Horse Shows, Dog Shows, and Poultry Shows. The Fair will then move to Frontier Park August 4th-11th with Livestock Shows, Free Midway Entertainment, and Static Exhibits. “Let the Good Times Grow” at this year’s Laramie County Fair!