Money for nothing and your chicks for free
Let’s not forget who really pays the bills around here
We just finished CFD and, depending on your business, you saw the busiest, most haggard time of the year. Conversely, if your business is unrelated to foot traffic then you spent the week holding down the fort because your staff thinks Cheyenne day lasts for 10 days. Regardless of your situation, we owe you a giant THANK YOU!!! Money for nothing is a fairytale, but it is a good song from the British band Dire Straits. Our small businesses work hard, and I am proud of them. I believe we have some of the greatest small business leaders in America, and I am humbled by their continued support of their community and Chamber of Commerce. Cheyenne, we are blessed. So, remember to Shop Local, Shop Small, and please tell these folks, “Thank you!” After all, they are the ones who pay the bills, and it will be a dark day if we ever forget it.