National Coffee Day – Today

Remember No Water, No Coffee. Visit your favorite coffee shop today!
The Board of Public Utilities would like to remind folks about the value of water through National Coffee Day, today, Saturday, September 29, 2018.
There’s something especially lovely about the way coffee steams up and perfumes a cool and crisp fall morning. There’s no better time to pause and savor your cup than this Saturday, September 29, 2018 for National Coffee Day. The City of Cheyenne Board of Public Utilities (Board) would like to raise their mug to this delightful day and recognize those of us for whom the morning isn’t complete without the scent of coffee in the air.
Every day in America 400 million cups of coffee are consumed with about half of the people in the US drinking it every day. If Cheyenne follows the national trend, we can estimate that the Board provides the community with around 8,000 gallons of water every day (about 2.9 million gallons of water every year) just to brew up the popular drink. This doesn’t even take into consideration the fact that before the beans make it into our coffee pots, each cup has already used about 37 gallons of water just in growing and processing!
Whether you like your coffee heavy with cream and sugar or you prefer it neat; whether dark roast or light; whether you couldn’t go a day without coffee or you couldn’t be bribed to indulge; can you imagine what your day would look like with no water? No water means no coffee. While we are lucky that the City of Cheyenne does have safe drinking water, at current growth rates and facing the realities of drought, the question isn’t if we will run out but when. While we’re working on ways to prevent that from happening, take National Coffee Day to celebrate one of the most popular drinks in the world and consider what your day would look like if you couldn’t make up a cuppa.