One Year Since the Storm That Rocked a Small Wyoming Town

Thunder, Lightning, Rain, Hail – Community Unites
Pine Bluffs, WY was hit one year ago today with the storm that no one was prepared for. Around 4pm, on July 27, 2017, the clouds started rolling in. By 5:30 the storm was at full force, with racing winds, hail the size of softballs, and water flooding the streets. Although homes have been restored and new trees have been planted the community has forever been changed.
A few residents reflect on the storm and the past year –
“When I think about the storm I just remember the devastation of our community and that you take for granted 100 year old trees and their beauty.” ~ Michelle Thompson
“A year ago today, life stopped for us in Pine Bluffs, WY. The shock from the damage was devastating. We lost a lot that day, but discovered the heart of the community. The restoration of what was lost involves more than brick and mortar.” ~ Derede Darden
“Storms of that intensity serve to reveal the true characteristics of a community – and this one did. It revealed the characteristics of a community (and surrounding area) comprised of caring, compassionate, and selfless people. I am proud to be considered a part of this community.” ~ Pastor Dan DeBruyn
As help came in over the few weeks that followed the storm, the community truly came together in a united front. Calls were made, donations poured in and residents of Pine Bluffs and the surrounding area will remember this day for years to come.