Places of Worship to Receive Training

CPD Providing Security Training to Places of Worship
The Cheyenne Police Department will provide a workshop that will help places of worship create security plans to keep citizens safe. In light of the church shooting in Sutherland Springs, Texas, the CPD is organizing this training for those who work or volunteer in worship centers to develop security plans designed to minimize harm done in the event of an active shooter.
Cheyenne Police Detective Jim Harper will lead the meeting. Detective Harper has designed the training to teach church personnel and members how to attempt to prevent critical incidents and how to react if a critical incident occurs during worship services.
Topics discussed in the training materials include:
— Conducting a Security Risk Assessment
— Developing a Place of Worship Security Plan
— What to do during the Critical Incident
— What to do immediately after the Critical Incident
— The need to provide Crisis Intervention Stress Management afterward
The workshop will be held at the Cheyenne Public Safety Center, 415 W. 18th St. on Wednesday, December 6, from 6:00 p.m -8:00 p.m.
Officer Kevin Malatesta, Public Information Officer, 307-633-6653,
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