How are you protecting yourself against Identity Theft?

It seems you hear of a new data breach every day. How are you protecting yourself and your family members from becoming victims of identity theft and fraud?
When it comes to your personal information and bank accounts, you deserve peace of mind. That’s why Pinnacle Bank offers their Diamond Secure Account. The Diamond Secure Account provides comprehensive identity and credit monitoring. With it, you get all the great features of their checking accounts along with Identity Theft Protection and Cellular Telephone Protection.
Now through the end of October, you can receive 3 months with no service charge!
- Identity Fraud Expense Reimbursement Coverage Receive up to $10,000 to help pay expenses, clear your name and help recover your identity if identity theft occurs.
- Comprehensive Identity Theft Resolution Services If you do become a victim of identity theft, an IDProtect® fraud resolution specialist will help you every step of the way until your identity is restored.
- 3-in-1 Credit File Monitoring IDProtect® will monitor your Equifax, Experian and TransUnion credit files daily and alert you if key changes occur. Registration and activation required.
- 3-in-1 Credit Report Request a free, updated credit report every 90 days or upon receipt of alert. Each new report includes an updated single bureau credit score. Registration and activation required.
- Total Identity Monitoring Reviewing and monitoring of over 1,000 different databases to help ensure your identity has not been compromised. Registration and activation required.
- Cell Phone Protection Cell phones are part of our daily lives. Replacing them if they are stolen or damaged can be costly. As an eligible account holder, you receive up to $300 of cellular telephone coverage to reimburse the cost of replacing or repairing your device. The coverage requires a $50 deductible with a maximum of two claims per year. This valuable protection covers the first three phones as listed on the cellular provider bill whether you are at home or abroad. Make sure you pay your cell phone bill from your eligible account in order to receive the coverage.
To receive 3 months with no service charge, open a Diamond Secure Account or switch your current checking account at your local Pinnacle Bank. The Diamond Secure Account has a $4 monthly service charge fee, which will be waived for the first 3 months. After the completion of the 3 months, you will begin to see the monthly $4 service charge fee on your Diamond Secure Account statement.
Pinnacle Bank. Member FDIC.
Insurance products are not insured by FDIC or any Federal Government Agency; not a deposit of or guaranteed by the bank or any bank affiliate.