Recent Arrests in Laramie County

(Cheyenne, Wyo.) – Here is a recap of law enforcement arrests around the county from August 22nd – August 23rd.
All persons arrested or cited are presumed innocent until convicted in a court of law. Charges are subject to change following official filing from the Laramie County District Attorney’s Office.
Gabriel Anderson, 27, Cheyenne, WY Warrant
Dakota Ashcraft, 19, Transient, Failure to comply
Glenn Green, 41, Cheyenne, Court order
Christopher Bingham, 43, Transient, Court order
Michael Harlan, 43, Cheyenne, p/p violator arrest w/o warrant
Richard Hernandez, 51, Cheyenne, Failure to register as sex offender
Malissa Bohl, 31, Transient, Failure to comply
Christopher Pino, 37, Cheyenne, Court order
Melanie Lemons, 36, Cheyenne, Failure to comply w/CAC or FCS
Ashlee McGuire, 29, Transient, Failure to appear – summons shoplift, summons disobey, summons of controlled substance
Brandon Poole, 24, Cheyenne, Duty upon colliding w/unattended vehicle/property, notice to police
Justin Simmons, 36, Cheyenne, Court order
Kenneth Ramey, 28, Cheyenne, Probation violation
Robert Robinson, 49, Transient, Public intoxication
Elora Trabold, 26, Cheyenne, Failure to pay, failure to appear, malicious mischief, criminal entry/property
Frank Hart, 32, Billings, MT, Public intoxication
Melanie Brewster, 24, Kendrick, ID, False pretenses – Felony
Amanda Munoz, 27, Cheyenne, Court order
Randall Carr, 30, Cheyenne, Domestic battery
Ezequiel Vasquez, 18, Cheyenne, Failure to appear
Lisa Bevel, 45, Cheyenne, WY warrant, P/P violator arrest w/o warrant
Kara Black, 26, Cheyenne, Failure to pay
Gilberto Dimas, 38, WY, Strangulation of a household member, domestic battery
Jonathan Maes, 36, Cheyenne, District court warrant – failure to comply
Aspynn Gholson, 20, Laramie, Destruction property <$1000
Hope Jeske, 49, Torrington, WY, District court warrant – failure to comply
Wayne Layton, 44, Cheyenne, Domestic battery, interference with peace officer, assault – simple attempted
Brandon Palmer, 31, Cheyenne, District court warrant – failure to appear
Michael Livingstone, 26, Cheyenne, Public intoxication, refusing to obey, NCIC hit person
Christopher Nace, 52, Cheyenne, Failure to appear, pedestrian under the influence
Tanya Ortiz, 31, Cheyenne, Unlawful entry into house, resist arrest, interfering/obstructing
Dwayne Palmer, 63, Cheyenne, Fail to maintain lane, DUI
Wade Prehn, 42, Transient, Resist arrest, public intoxication