Recent Arrests in Laramie County

(Cheyenne, Wyo.) – Here is a recap of law enforcement arrests around the county from August 30th – August 31st.
All persons arrested or cited are presumed innocent until convicted in a court of law. Charges are subject to change following official filing from the Laramie County District Attorney’s Office.
Mahala Adams, 43, Cheyenne, Domestic battery
Natalie Arias, 31, Cheyenne, Open container, refusing to open, possess/use marijuana, no driver’s license, no proof of insurance
Benjamin Bingham, 35, Greeley. CO, Giving false identity, possession of marijuana under 1/4oz, NCIC hold/hit person
John Bothwell, 26, Sioux Falls, SD, Suspended driver’s license, no liability insurance
Maxwell Doyle, 25, Cheyenne, Failure to pay
Anthony Howell, 33, Cheyenne, Possession methamphetamine, possession in pill form
Jacob Hutchins, 23, Cheyenne, Driving under suspended, no valid registration, no valid insurace, possession over 3grams with intent to distribute
Chase Lemons, 20, Transient, NCIC hold/hit person, interference with peace officer
Jordan Mickelson, 26, Lovell, WY, Probation violation
William Oliver, 35, Cheyenne, NCIC Fugitive Warrant
Wade Prehn, 42, Transient, Public intoxication, soliciting on street
Christopher Queen, Buffalo, WY, District court warrant – probation violation
Stephen Romero, 43, Cheyenne, Parole violation, possession methamphetamine,
Jason Urban, 40, Los Ranchos, NM, DUI, possession of marijuana,
Marcus Anderson, 23, Transient, Theft <$1000
Cheyanne Brady, 22, Transient, Failure to appear warrant
Brent Brethell, 37, Aztec, NM, Unlawful entry into house
Travis Casner, 25, Cheyenne, Failure to pay
Michael Catt, 33, Transient, Interference with peace officer
Elizabeth Daugherty, 30, Transient, Failure to appear warrant, interference with peace officer, possession of marijuana, possession of liquid, possession in pill form
Kaneesha Dominguez, 27, Torrington, WY, District court warrant – Failure to comply
Jeffery Fisher, 53, Transient, Failure to appear
Jeffrey Fruhwirth, 32, Cheyenne, DUI, Headlight out – headlight equipment required
Lance Gibson, 36, Cheyenne, Failure to appear, failure to comply
Jarkay Jackson, 21, Cheyenne, Fail to maintain lane, possession of marijuana
Albert McWhinney, 53, Cheyenne, Under influence of controlled substance
Kenneth Ryden, 27, Lakewood, CO, District court warrant – probation violation, failure to appear
Marquis Saxton, 20, Transient, Public intoxication, underage individual buying, selling, possessing, consuming solicit alcohol
Maurice Turner III, 26, Cheyenne, Probation violation – felony
Laci Watters, 34, Cheyenne, Possession methamphetamine, control subs/liquor into jail
Benjamin Wood, 32, Fort Collins, CO, Fail to maintain lane, possession of open container, DUI, dimming lights for oncoming traffic