Rep Cheney and Sen Barrasso Receive U.S. Chamber Spirit of Enterprise Award

The Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce hosted the annual Pardners N’ Prosperity Luncheon presented by RE/MAX Capitol Properties. During the event program, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Manager of the Northwest Region, Anna Salick, presented the Spirit of Enterprise Award to both Senator John Barrasso and Congressman Liz Cheney.
This deems these law makers as pro-business. Senator Mike Enzi was presented his earlier in the month in Washington D.C.
“Eligibility for the award is based on how members of Congress vote on key business issues, which the Chamber outlines in its yearly publication, ‘How They Voted’. These designated ‘key votes’ are recorded floor votes on issues established as priorities on which the Chamber communicates its position prior to the vote. Those members of Congress who support the Chamber’s position on at least 70% of those votes receive the Spirit of Enterprise Award,”shared Anna Salick when presenting the award.
During the acceptance, both Senator Barrasso and Congressman Liz Cheney shared their appreciation for the award and also their gratitude in the work of the Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce for their expertise.
The Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce is one of the few Chambers nationally who hosts a Washington D.C. Fly-In annually, as well as advocates all year at the federal, state and local level. Their robust portfolio as it relates to governmental affairs is made possible by the Wyoming Wranglers program and the Action & Advocacy Committee, alongside a highly engaged board of directors.