Splash Pad Telethon Taking Place on Tuesday, Sept. 18

Proponents of the proposed Cheyenne Depot Splash Pad are conducting a Splash Pad Fundraising Telethon on Tuesday, Sept. 18 in the Cheyenne Depot Lobby from 9 am until 5 pm.
The goal of the Telethon is to contact business, organizations, and individuals throughout Laramie County that have not been asked to participate in fundraising for the project so far. Approximately 25 community volunteers will be making the fundraising calls and visits throughout the day.
The Splash Pad is a fun, quality of life project where water shoots up a few feet and kids/families can run through it. Similar splash pads are quite popular in Fort Collins, Rapid City, and Casper.
The Splash Pad project was originally proposed in the Downtown Core Plan developed by Visit Cheyenne, Cheyenne LEADs, the Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce, and the Cheyenne DDA in 2016. The City of Cheyenne has pledged $250,000 to the project, pending a match of approximately $300,000 raised from community organizations and individuals. The City is requiring that the private funds be raised by June 30, 2019.
Fundraising efforts have raised donations and pledges of approximately $230,000 (or about $480,000 total with the City match). Donations have come from businesses, organizations, and the citizens of Laramie County. Children have participated in an amazing way as well – with donations coming from lawn mowing earnings, birthday party gifts, and lemonade stands.
There are a variety of ways to contribute. Community members can also purchase apparel from Trophy Creative. They have Splash Pad t-shirts as a part of their “Apparel for a Purpose” line. They are available until the end of September. For each shirt sold $5 will benefit the Depot Splash Pad.