Sprint Fraud Sees Local Victims

Several residents in Cheyenne have fallen victim to a fraud involving the theft of their personal identifying information and that information being used to open fraudulent accounts with Sprint Wireless. Over the last several months, more than 20 Cheyenne residents have made reports with the Cheyenne Police Department that they received overdue notices from Sprint for phones and accounts which they did not create. It appears that personal identifying information was fraudulently used to create customer accounts with Sprint. The criminals would then order cell phones in the victims’ names without the victim being aware that the accounts even existed, only becoming aware of it when the accounts became delinquent and were turned over to bill collectors.
The frauds originated in the Spring of 2017 and the CPD is working to determine the origin of the data breach. If you believe your information was used to open a fraudulent account with Sprint Wireless in late 2016 or early 2017, but have not reported this to the Cheyenne Police Department, please do so by calling 307-637-6525. Victims can also make a report to the desk officer at 415 W 18th Street during normal business hours. Please provide any and all documentation you may have at the time of report.
If you have already completed a CPD police report, you can help us by going to cheyennepd.org, clicking on “News” and completing a short survey on your case. The survey will help the CPD in tracking the origin of the initial data breach. If you have any questions regarding this survey, please email Detective Willmarth at Awillmarth@CheyennePD.org with “Sprint Fraud” in the subject line. Once a police report is completed, victims can also go to sprint.com and make a report with Sprint’s fraud department regarding the identity theft.