Team Building 101

The Leadership Cheyenne 2018/19 Class participated in team building.
This year’s class began with team building activities at the Youth Alternatives Community Challenge Course. Team building is defined as: a collective term for various types of activities used to enhance social relations and define roles within teams, often involving collaborative tasks.
“Today was the start of a life-changing experience for this year’s class. They let down their guards, reflected on their personal leadership style and started to form bonds that will last a lifetime. The Steering Committee was pleased to see how the morning unfolded for this year’s participants. They started off guarded but by the end of the Ropes Course, they had started creating friendships and connections that will certainly last a lifetime.” – Morgan Alkire, LC Steering Committee Chair
Gary and Josiah, Ropes Course Facilitators, lead the group through various activities that created challenges and ended with accomplishments.
“It was a great day! My key learning from the day was about taking the time to listen and observe, I was ableto really slow down and take in the experience. I was truly impressed by how quickly everyone seemed to join inall activities and work as a team.” – Christy, Class Member“It was great to experience the camaraderie and support of such a diverse group. I’m looking forward to learning more about everyone and about myself going forward.” – Michael, Class Member
“Starting out: There’s no way I can get up that wall. Hanging by my fingertips (and vulnerable) I don’t think I can finish this. On the other side: holy smokes I did it. Sometimes a wall is just a wall and you can do it!” – Brenda, Class Member