The Coal War Continues: Wyoming vs. BLM

The State of Wyoming is taking the Bureau of Land Management to Court once again. In the latest lawsuit, Wyoming and Montana have banded together to sue the BLM’s Buffalo Resource Management Plan Amendment (RMPA), which ends federal coal leasing in the Powder River Basin. Wyoming and Montana argue that the RMPA is noncompliant with the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA) as well as the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
Go deeper: Thanks to Governor Gordon’s use of Coal Litigation Funds, approved by the legislature, Consovoy McCarthy has been contracted to bolster legal efforts. Known for their expertise in federal administrative law, this firm will join the Attorney General in fighting the federal push against fossil fuels. This lawsuit is just one of over 50 that Wyoming is fighting in to defend our state’s energy production industry.
WY We Care: Energy production is at the core of Wyoming economy, and the growing federal push to eliminate fossil fuels is detrimental to our great state’s well-being. Our mass production of coal, natural gas, crude oil and more makes us essential for energy production not just in Wyoming, but across the country. We will continue to support the fight to prevent government overreach and support pro-growth and pro-business policies, and keep you in the know with any updates.