Tickets Available for the Chambers Pardners N’ Prosperity Luncheon

The Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce is proud to announce details for its Friday, July 23, Pardners N’ Prosperity kick-off lunch for Cheyenne Frontier Days.
This year’s event, presented by Tyrrell Auto Center, is centered on a celebration of “The Vaqueros – America’s First Cowboys” and will include entertainment, lunch, and a welcome to Cheyenne’s Frontier Days by local, state, and federal dignitaries.
“We are glad to invite our members and the community to help us kick off the 125th Cheyenne Frontier Days celebration,” said Dale Steenbergen, President and CEO of the Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce. “Our business community is proud to celebrate both the heritage of the world’s largest outdoor rodeo and western celebration and its economic contribution to the region.”
As the Chamber recognizes the 125th anniversary of the Cheyenne community’s signature event, they will also recognize the origin of the American cowboy. The History Channel documents that in 1519, shortly after the Spanish arrived in the Americas, they began to build ranches to tend to the cattle they brought to this country. Native cowboys from Mexico, called Vaqueros – coming from the Spanish word “vaca” or cow – were hired by ranchers to tend to the livestock. They were known for their superior roping, riding, and herding skills.
The Friday, July 23, event begins at 11:00 a.m. with a buffet lunch at the Cheyenne Ice and Events Center. Guests are encouraged to have a bite to eat and enjoy the entertainment before the program begins.
“Pardners N’ Prosperity is recognized as one of the great celebrations of the summer, and you won’t want to miss this lunch,” said Steenbergen. “We are all excited to get back in the saddle safely, Cheyenne.”
Reservations are required, and tickets are selling fast.
Register online at or call the Chamber at (307) 638-3388 for more information.