Town of Pine Bluffs Community Reforestation Program Approved

Work has begun with planting trees at the Main Street Park. (Photo credit: Pine Bluffs Recreation)
The Town Council voted unanimously to support a Community Reforestation Program for the residents of Pine Bluffs. Last year on July 27, 2016, a devastating hail storm damaged nearly every home in the community. Read more about this storm, where nine months later there are many residents still working on repairs.
In a letter sent to residents Mayor, William Shain, stated, “The trees throughout our community are an important natural resource that contributes to the environmental, social, and economic vitality f the Town. To help sustain this resource, the Town of Pine Bluffs is offering financial assistance in the form of a interest-free assessment to help landowners address their dead/dying treesas well as replant new trees.”
The Town will further assist the community, by also purchasing, planting and staking new trees through this program. Work has already begun at the Main Street Park. For more information you can contact Kim Patterson at (307) 245-3746 or by email at