Trail Walk/Run at Terry Bison Ranch benefiting patients living with heart and lung diseases

The 2018 Great Bison Shuffle will be held at Terry Bison Ranch on September 8, 2018.
The trail race will consist of a 10k, 5k walk/run, 2k walk and kids fun run. Adult participants will receive a stocking cap, free breakfast and a ride on the bison train. Children will receive a kite, free breakfast and a ride on the bison train.
Date: September 8, 2018
Time: 8:00 a.m. start for the 2k walk, 5K and 10K; 1K kids fun run at 9:00 a.m.
Event Location: Terry Bison Ranch, 51 I-25 Service Road, Cheyenne WY
Proceeds from this year’s Great Bison Shuffle will be used to purchase new exercise equipment with enhanced safety features for Cheyenne Regional Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation patients living with heart and lung diseases. The Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehab program offer supervised exercise and education in a group setting with an individually tailored and multidisciplinary approach. The purpose of these nationally certified programs is to help patients with a wide range of abilities and goals get back to their active, full lives as quickly and safely as possible after a heart event or pulmonary diagnosis.
OR call (307) 996-4510.