We Celebrate Pets Everyday – Especially Today!

We love our pets every day, but today, April 11th we take the whole day to brag, talk about, and pay attention to them a little more. What do you love about your pet? What is one story you love to tell about your pet? Do you have several pets or just one?
National Pet Day is celebrated around the country by many. It’s a day that we look back on all the pets we have had: ones that may have saved our life from a rattle snake when we were young, ones that we have fostered and/or adopted from a rescue shelter, and ones that we simply think are beautiful. Some of our pets give hope and love as a therapy dog, some just need to run A LOT, but all of them just need a little extra love every day – especially today.
Here are a few quotes about our lovable pets – – –
“Malaki is the smartest dog I have ever owned!” #Malaki #Kiki #McNabCollieMix
“Prince is asilly boy who loves walking himself on the leash and wrestling. He thinks he’s a lapdog like the other small animals he is friends with. Prince loves a good hi-five and can do many tricks!” #rhodoxer #prince
“Sir Knight Trayn may be my mom’s dog, but I trained him. He is beautiful and should be in a hair commercial.” #SirKnightTrayn #Boridor
“Dewey and Daisy and twins but you would never know. Daisy chases the lights in the morning from the sun, Dewey prefers to sleep in. They always look out for each other and love, love, love people.” #Dewey #Daisy #EnglishSpringerSpaniel
“Milo gives you the look, and rolls over for a belly rub. He’s an Aussie-mix that might be part Sloth.” #Milo #daBean #BDARfosterfail
“Her name is Dreamer….she is udderly great!” #Gelbvieh #Dreamer #Utterlygreat
“‘Howling to Bluegrass feels good,’ says Teal.” #Teal #FoxRedLab #MilosStepBrother
Today is a day to celebrate all pets. If you don’t have a pet visit your local animal shelter and find the one that is just waiting to come home.