Wyoming State Parks & Historic Sites Hosts Successful First Day Hikes

Despite cold temperatures and snowfall throughout most of the state on New Year’s Day, 370 adventurous recreationalists braved the winter weather conditions to ring in the New Year at Wyoming State Parks & Historic Sites’ First Day Hikes!
For the 12th consecutive year, Wyoming State Parks & Historic Sites hosted First Day Hikes which is part of a nationwide initiative led by America’s State Parks to encourage people to get outside and to promote the overall mental and physical health benefits of recreating in America’s great outdoors.
“For many Wyoming residents and visitors, this outdoor event has become an annual tradition,” said Laurel Thompson, Outreach Coordinator for Wyoming’s Office of Outdoor Recreation. “These hikes provide a means for individuals and families to welcome the coming year outside, exercising and connecting with nature.”
On New Year’s Day, 13 guided hikes were held at participating Wyoming State Parks & Historic Sites with participants of all ages and skill levels hiking more than a combined 600 miles of trails.
Participating sites and their number of hikers were:
⮚ Bear River State Park – 21
⮚ Boysen State Park – 9
⮚ Buffalo Bill State Park – 25
⮚ Curt Gowdy State Park – 71
⮚ Edness K. Wilkins State Park – 32
⮚ Fort Bridger State Historic Site – 28
⮚ Fort Phil Kearny State Historic Site – 37
⮚ Guernsey State Park – 26
⮚ Hot Springs State Park – 27
⮚ Keyhole State Park – 15
⮚ Medicine Lodge Archeological Site – 30
⮚ Sinks Canyon State Park – 7
⮚ Trail End State Historic Site – 42
Wyoming State Parks & Historic Sites would like to thank all of the Friends Groups and volunteers that helped support this year’s First Day Hike events.