Youth Alternatives Mentor Up Campaign Underway

The Office of Youth Alternatives Special Friends and Foster Grandparent Programs have geared up to launch the Mentor Up Campaign, effective June 1st through the end of the calendar year! The goal of the Mentor Up Campaign is to bring on between 30 and 60 new adult mentors to intervene in the lives of youth at an impressionable age who need a positive adult role model within the Cheyenne community.
Special Friends mentors are positive role models for youth between the ages of six to 17 to assist in navigating life’s challenges. Adults and youth are matched in a one-to-one mentoring relationship. Adults will spend one to three hours a week with youth for a total of four to 12 hours a month. Mentors are encouraged to share a wide range of activities with youth such as going for a walk, seeing a movie, playing sports or games, cooking together, museum visits, fishing, hiking, crafts, or just hanging out. Through the mentoring process a trusting and meaningful mentoring relationship is developed and can be a lasting constant in a young person’s life. Match commitments typically occur in three months, six months, or a full year interval. Training is provided to prepare mentors and monthly support is provided to foster the continued success of the match.
The Office of Youth Alternatives Foster Grandparent Program are tutor/mentors that are 55 years and older that work with children in a classroom setting that need extra support. One-on-one mentor and tutoring are done in a supervised, professional classroom to assist in helping a child feel secure and able to progress in their academic journey. Foster Grandparents make a difference in the lives of children in our community and earn an average of $300 per month in a non-taxable stipend. Some qualifications apply.
To learn more about making a difference in a youth’s life, and how you can become a part of the Mentor Up Campaign, please call or email Devyan Paiz at 307-637-6480 or email for Special Friends inquiries. For Foster Grandparent inquiries please call or email Allyson Montgomery at 307-637-6480 or email
For more information about the City of Cheyenne Office of Youth Alternatives, visit their website.