1,000+ Greater Cheyenne Residents Needed
Posted On December 16, 2017
Community residents of the greater Cheyenne area are being called to take a survey to provide overall input for future planning.
Greater Cheyenne Community Planning process started this week on Wednesday, December 13th with focus groups and concluded with a Steering Committee meeting yesterday, December 14th. The Community and Economic Development Strategy must be adequately informed by the wants and needs of Greater Cheyenne’s residents, workers, and employers. A series of one-on-one interviews and focus groups were conducted this week. This input will be complemented by feedback received from an online survey open to all residents and business in the Cheyenne area.
In the next phase of the planning community participation is required. Community input is being collected via a survey at cheyenneplan.com. Every resident is asked to take the survey and then pass it on to their friends, family and co-workers in the community. Share your input and then pass it on! All ages, all backgrounds, all professions are needed!