Proceeds from Leadership Cheyenne’s Boo Ball to Provide Grants for Local Businesses

The Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce’s Leadership Cheyenne Class of 2019-2020 will donate a portion of funds from the annual Boo-tification Ball to local small businesses this fall.
Each year, the Chamber selects 20-25 individuals to participate in the Leadership Cheyenne program. These individuals embark on a 9-month journey with peers learning about community and economic development, as well as civic trusteeship. Each class also works to raise funds for a community improvement project.
When the class first convened last summer, well before the COVID-19 pandemic, the class chose to beautify the Lions Park swim beach. In collaboration with the City of Cheyenne, plans were made to add softer sand, cut back the extra vegetation and add picnic areas.
Upon seeing the economic hardships small businesses faced during the COVID-19 outbreak, the class was inspired to add a second part to its project. The class still intends to complete the beach project; however, this year a portion of the funds raised from the Boo-tification Ball this year will be donated back to businesses.
The grants will be awarded in partnership with the Small Businesses Heart of Cheyenne project that Bryan “Alf” Grzegorzcyk and Corey Lynn Loghry have spearheaded during the pandemic.
“Our class members are excited to put our leadership and community-building skills to work for struggling local business, and we are thrilled by the opportunity to help build up our community,” said Chad McKinney, chairman of the grants portion of the class project.
The Heart of Cheyenne project awards grants to local small businesses using a randomized lottery system. Grzegorzcyk and Loghry visit the selected business and host a Facebook Live event, during which, they award the grant as well as promote the business’ products or services.
“We’re pleased to partner with Leadership Cheyenne to continue this effort to re-energize and lift up our community,” said Grzegorzcyk. “It’s wonderful to see people come together with such generosity during these hard days.”
Boo Ball 2020 Beaches of Cheyenne is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 24 at the new Cheyenne Frontier Days events center and presented by Taco Johns. Watch the Boo Ball Facebook page for continuous updates.