How International Trade Fuels Local Prosperity
The U.S. business community recognizes that trade is vital to America’s prosperity, with over 40 million American jobs depending on it. Selling more U.S.-made goods and services to the 95% of consumers living outside our borders is a powerful driver of economic growth.
Despite this, trade rarely tops the list of public concerns. According to Gallup’s October 2024 poll, less than half a percent of Americans identified trade as “the most important problem facing America today,” ranking it far below issues like jobs and inflation.
Yet, beyond the political debates in Washington, most Americans acknowledge the significant benefits of international trade. A recent survey of 1,684 people, commissioned by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in October 2024, reveals just how much Americans appreciate the positive impact of trade on their daily lives.
1) Americans think international trade is more positive than negative for their standard of living by nearly a six-to-one margin (59% positive to 10% negative).
2) Americans think they should be free to buy products from friendly nations and export U.S.-made goods to them without government interference by a four-to-one margin (59% to 14%).
3) Two-thirds of all Americans think it is important or very important for the U.S. to take a leadership role in writing pro-growth rules for international trade in trade agreements with friendly and allied nations. Only 6% say it is not important.
4) Nearly half (48%) of all Americans support people in the U.S. trading more with people from other nations; only 17% are opposed.
The survey was conducted by occam™ by AlphaROC, Inc., All Rights Reserved. MOE on Gep Pop level is ~2.4%; MOE for Voters is ~2.6%.
Wyoming businesses have much to gain from international trade, with global markets offering opportunities to expand beyond state and national borders. Sectors like energy, agriculture, and manufacturing can increase sales and create local jobs by tapping into the 95% of consumers outside the U.S. Diversifying through trade also helps stabilize the state’s economy, reducing reliance on domestic demand. By supporting pro-growth trade policies, Wyoming businesses can remain competitive, resilient, and ready to thrive in a global market.