Splash Pad in Downtown
Have you ever visited a downtown area where there is a splash pad for families to enjoy?
Currently the City of Cheyenne is considering installing a splash pad in downtown Cheyenne in the depot plaza. According to City Councilman Pete Laybourn’s previously presented resolution, the splash pad is executing the strategic plans set forth by the Downtown Core Group. This group is comprised of the Cheyenne Downtown Development Authority/Main Street, Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce, Cheyenne LEADs, , and Visit Cheyenne.
The resolution further explains that the Cheyenne’s 150th Anniversary Celebration Steering Committee plans to donate $15,000 for construction of the proposed water feature. A previous version of the water feature was projected to cost around $550K in total. This resolution is proposed to appropriate funds towards this project but the exact amount is to be determined. Additionally a bronze statue is being considered to commemorate the City’s 150th in this same resolution costing $125,000, which would be privately funded by donors.