CFD Corporate Conference Center Groundbreaking

Cheyenne Frontier Days breaks ground on their new Corporate Conference Center today, August 7, 2018.
The ceremony began with remarks from Tom Hirsig, Cheyenne Frontier Days CEO.
“It’s one of those days when you will say, “Remember when.” It’s a day to reward the long hours of both volunteers and CFD Staff. A project of this magnitude is not taken lightly.”
“Core traditions for this project were focused on. These included both development of Frontier Park, build new and strengthen existing partnerships with the community, local businesses and government. This building will touch on many traditions. When you have an organization that is involved in selling an excess of over 200,000 tickets consistently each year, a staff that has grown to 14 full time employees, and a volunteer force that has grown to 3,000 members and during a show a sponsor program that grows consistently, the need for additional quality space is high on the priority list.”
Continuing he said, “One question asked, was ‘Are we staying at Frontier Park, or should we move to a larger property?’ The research provided that Frontier Park is hollowed ground. It’s where many of us grew up. Where many cowboys made their name, from C.B. Irwin to Trevor Brazile. A place where country music stars made their mark, from the cast of Gun-smoke to the likes of Garth Brooks and George Strait. It is also the place where tragedy struck. Where we lost a Thunderbird pilot, the place where Lane Frost rode his last bull. We are a bucket list items across the world, and we must maintain this status. In order to do that we must stay.”
Tom then introduced: Bill Berg, Outgoing Chairman; Jimmy Dean Siler, Incoming General Chairman; Lynne Boomgaarden, Outgoing Board President; and John Contos, Incoming Board President. He gave a special thanks to Reiman Corp., who has had a long standing relationship with CFD.
Following were words from Cheyenne Mayor, Marion Orr, “I don’t think there is one of here that doesn’t have a very, very fond memory and hold this place really special in our hearts. This commitment to staying here in the heart of our community is absolutely fantastic.”