City Begins Annexation Process

The City of Cheyenne has initiated its first city-imitated annexation of county pockets, consistent with the City Council’s 2022 priority list. A “county pocket” is an area of unincorporated land that’s 100 percent surrounded by the City of Cheyenne.
The first annexation area includes five non-residential properties northwest of Pershing Boulevard and Ridge Road. The annexation includes Wells Fargo Bank and the area formerly occupied by the Supply Sergeant. The city has invited property owners to meet with staff to answer any questions. The formal annexation process will begin in January 2023.
An interactive map identifying county pockets and general information about the annexation goals are online and can be found on the City’s Annexation webpage at If you are a property owner interested in being voluntarily annexed early in the process, please complete the voluntary annexation form on the annexation webpage.
Questions may be directed to the City Planning and Development Department by emailing or calling (307) 637-6282.