CLCHD Announces COVID-19 Vaccine Incentive for Laramie County
CHEYENNE (9/10/21) – Beginning Monday, September 13 Laramie County residents who receive their COVID-19 vaccination are eligible to receive a $100 gift card once they have completed their vaccine series. The entire series is completed two weeks after one of the following: 2 Pfizer vaccinations, 2 Moderna vaccinations, or 1 Johnson & Johnson vaccination. This incentive is open to the first 500 individuals who complete their entire series.
Individuals can receive their vaccination at any location in the county that is participating in the Wyoming Immunization Registry (WyIR). Most locations in Laramie County use this system with the exceptions of FE Warren Air Force Base and the Cheyenne VA Hospital. The first dose of vaccination must be administered on or after September 13, 2021.
Dr. Stan Hartman, Laramie County Health Officer, stated, “Getting a COVID vaccine is the best thing you can do to prevent infection and transmission to your loved ones.”
The Pfizer vaccine received full FDA approval for individuals age 16 and older on August 23, 2021. The Pfizer vaccine remains available to individuals age 12 and older through Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) granted by the FDA. Additionally, the FDA previously granted EUA status to the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) vaccines for individuals 18 and older.
All three vaccines authorized or approved in the US are readily available in Laramie County. The vaccines are safe, effective, and continually monitored both domestically and abroad. Over 177 million people in the US alone are fully vaccinated with minimal side effects.
Kathy Emmons, Executive Director of the Cheyenne-Laramie County Health Department, said, “We are excited to offer this funding opportunity to help people who are stepping up to protect themselves and our community”.
To redeem the gift cards, individuals (or parents/guardians of individuals under 18) will come to the Cheyenne-Laramie County Health Department on weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Immunization must be confirmed by the State of Wyoming WyIR system to receive incentive.
For questions, please contact Cheyenne-Laramie County Health at, the CLCHD Facebook page, or by calling 307-633-4000.