Donations sought for Operation Back to School supply drive

A coalition of community organizations and businesses is working to ensure low-income students start the school year prepared and ready to learn.
Volunteers are seeking school supply donations for the 28th annual Operation Back to School (OBTS) supply drive for students throughout Laramie County. Those interested in giving supplies may drop them off at donation bins located at the City of Cheyenne, Needs Inc., Laramie County Community College, Laramie County Library and F.E. Warren Air Force Base.
Monetary donations are also accepted. Please make checks payable to: Needs Inc., Attn: OBTS.
Donated supplies for K–12 and college students will be distributed from 8:30 a.m.–3 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 16, Friday, Aug. 17 and Saturday, Aug. 18 at Needs Inc., 900 Central Ave. Those in need of supplies should stop by Needs Inc. before Aug. 16 to pre-qualify. Income and residency guidelines apply.
If unable to attend distribution, qualified families are invited to visit Needs, Inc., 900 Central Ave., to pick up what they need. The program runs throughout the year so students are able to replenish their supplies at any time.
OBTS committee chair Cindy Keen Reynders shared, “Education for Laramie County students is a priority and the committee is proud to help students in need so they have access to proper learning tools. Because of the generous Cheyenne businesses and organizations that donate to this program, we are able to make this happen.”
Members of this year’s volunteer network include F.E. Warren Air Force Base, Laramie County Community College, Laramie County School District 1 Community Relations Department and Needs Inc.
Last year, OBTS helped hundreds of income-qualified students and numerous households. Organizers hope to increase the program’s reach so more students, kindergarten through college, will be served.