“Donut” fret, there’s plenty to go around

The Cheyenne area is expanding and growing, and businesses are seeing the value in the great community and locating here.
Such is the case with the now infamous Dunkin’ Donuts at F.E. Warren Air Force Base. The area is fortunate that a great company has located here, especially to add amenities for the area’s service men and women.
For those who “donut” currently have access to the base, there are great options to enjoy throughout the County. Delectable treats in Cheyenne to include two different Daylight Donut locations and a Delectable Donuts on Lincolnway, which was originally a Dunkin’ Donuts. In addition, there are many great new location offering convenient yummy foods like Big Apple Bagels, The Downtown Hub, and the soon to come Central Cafe.
Cafe 307 is a County destination which have Cowboy Cinnamon Rolls. If you haven’t had one of these then, it is a Laramie County must.