Feed the ball! It’s time to apply for Leadership Cheyenne!

March Madness is barely in the rear-view mirror and the poster girl of women’s college basketball is already being pummeled like a grape in the middle of the track of the Indy 500. Elsewhere in Indiana, Caitlin Clark is starting on her pro career. The press and nay-sayers have been beating her to death but………Caitlin Clark is a leader and will be just fine. How do I know? Her scoring is one thing (and its stellar), but if you ever watch her play, her assists what show she is a great leader. Great leaders aren’t just about what they do, because the world isn’t built by individuals. Great leaders can be measured by the success of those around them. Leadership Cheyenne is built on this premise. Servant Leadership is what makes our community great. Building those around us to do amazing things. How do you think it makes you feel when Caitlin feeds you the ball for a score? Of course, it makes you feel amazing, and it lifts the team to a higher level. What’s the moral of this story? Feed the ball, make the score.
Leadership Cheyenne is now taking applications. Who in your office (or maybe it’s you) is Cheyenne’s next Caitlin Clark? Who is the next young leader that needs to be engaged in our community? Encourage one of these potential leaders to apply today, or maybe it’s you who needs to apply. Whoever it is, we need them to make our community’s future strong. Time is running out to apply, so feed the ball and let’s get a score. Contact the Greater Cheyenne Chamber for details and an application. Feed the Ball!!