Free Bighorn River Blueway Trail Float this Saturday

The Bighorn Basin Outdoor Recreation Collaborative invites members of the public to participate in an upcoming community float on a section of the Bighorn River Blueway Trail in north central Wyoming on Saturday, August 12th from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Hosted in partnership with the Bureau of Land Management Wyoming, the Wyoming Game & Fish Department, Wyoming Outdoor Recreation, and Wyoming State Parks, the community float will begin at the Basin Boat Ramp located in Basin, Wyoming and end at Greybull City Park located in Greybull, Wyoming covering 11 miles of the proposed Bighorn River Blueway Trail. This event is open and free to the public.
Participants of all experience levels are welcome; experienced volunteers and agency staff members will assist participants from the boat launch to the take out location. Participants will need to bring their own personal flotation device and non-motorized watercraft such as a kayak, paddle board, canoe, and/or inflatable raft. Participants are also encouraged to wear the appropriate attire and to bring sunscreen, water, and snacks for the float. To learn more about the community float, please visit
Facilitated by Wyoming Outdoor Recreation, the Bighorn Basin Outdoor Recreation Collaborative (BBORC) was the first of seven outdoor recreation initiatives to be convened around the state. These initiatives bring together local community members, recreation stakeholders, businesses, conservation groups, federal and state agencies, and elected officials to identify and prioritize opportunities for the growth and enhancement of outdoor recreation.
The Bighorn River Blueway Trail has been an initiative of the collaborative since 2020 and the proposed route will start at the Wedding of the Waters south of Thermopolis, Wyoming and end at Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area in Lovell, Wyoming covering a 95 mile stretch of the Bighorn River. This trail will offer recreationalists a wide variety of outdoor opportunities including wildlife watching, ever changing scenery, fishing, picnicking, boating, paddling, and camping, and it will contribute to the health of the Bighorn Basin’s travel and outdoor recreation industries.
After the upcoming community float, participants are invited to join the Town of Greybull for the evening’s festivities at City Park including live music, concessions, vendor booths, and fireworks. To learn more about this event and to purchase event tickets, please visit
Established by recommendation of the 2017 Governor’s Outdoor Recreation Task Force, the Wyoming Office of Outdoor Recreation aims to diversify Wyoming’s economy by expanding, enhancing, and promoting responsible recreational opportunities throughout the state.
Learn more about Wyoming Outdoor Recreation’s collaboratives and recreational opportunities across the state by following us on social media or visiting