HIIT 30 Fall Biggest Loser Challenge

Stop by HIIT 30 today to register for our 1st ~ Body Fat Loss Challenge.
Beginning September 4th, you will receive 12 weeks of fresh and fabulous unlimited high intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts, nutrition guidance and personal accountability. You will also receive up to 3 InBody Scans at the Nutrition Company (valued at $25 each), a free HIIT 30 t-shirt or tank, a HIIT 30 Blender Bottle and a 25% off Coupon for a MyZone Heart Rate Monitor (Retail $99).
Be the Biggest “Body Fat Loser” and you will win the Grand Prize Package valued at $1,500, 2nd Place Prize valued at $1,000, and 3rd Place Prize valued at $500. For more information, call us at (307) 514-0126, message us on Facebook (WYHIIT30), or send us an e-mail to: wyhiit30@gmail.com . Register soon as we have a limited number of spots available and, once claimed, the challenge will be closed for registering. This is a $500 value for only $300.
Frontier APEX Fall Special
Frontier APEX is Cheyenne’s best choice for sport specific training. We offer state of the art training for team sports, as well as individual sports on the Jr. High, High School, College, and even Professional Level. We combine weightlifting, plyometrics, speed, and agility workouts to elevate your performance levels to new heights.
Frontier APEX is running a special membership offer of $50 a month for up to four months. Sign up will end on Halloween. Please contact Director Cody San Miguel @ (605) 988-4316 or Frontier APEX on Facebook for any questions
Let us help you become an APEX athlete!
~ 600 E. Carlson St. Ste 100D, Cheyenne WY 82009 ~ 307-514-0126 ~ wyhiit30@gmail.com ~ www.wyhiit30.com