HollyFrontier Supports Girls Who Code

The HollyFrontier Cheyenne refinery is pleased to support the newly formed Girls Who Code chapter in Cheyenne.
Girls Who Code is an international organization designed for girls in junior high and high school who want to develop their computer science skills.
Girls Who Code classes in Cheyenne will meet weekly for 15 weeks beginning January 15 at the Array School of Technology and Design in downtown Cheyenne. HollyFrontier has funded five of the computers the girls will use during this course. Class size is limited to 15 girls; the Array School already has applications from more than double that number of girls who are interested in the program.
Toby Grapes, HollyFrontier Cheyenne human resources manager states, “We believe this program is so valuable for Cheyenne and the surrounding community. When you tell these girls that we believe they can do anything they want to do, you are supporting her growth and also lifting those around her.”
According to their website, “Girls Who Code is on a mission to close the gender gap in technology and to change the image of what a programmer looks like and does.” The Girls Who Code program is working to build the “largest pipeline of future engineers in the United States.”
Cover Photo: HollyFrontier is proud to support Girls Who Code in Cheyenne. Shown from left to right are Ana Monzon, software developer at Systems Analyst and facilitator of the first Girls Who Code class in Cheyenne, Eric “ET” Trowbridge, CEO and headmaster of the Array School of Technology and Design, Toby Grapes, Human Resources Officer at HollyFrontier, and Jeff Danielson, VP and Refinery Manager at HollyFrontier.