In a Sea of Change, Wyoming Wages Stay Steady

Wages and waters are rising across the country, but not in Wyoming. Through the duration of 2025, 26 states, along with several additional counties and cities will be raising their minimum wages. Although the federal minimum wage of $7.25 has stayed solid since 2009, well over half of U.S. states have consistently raised their wages, largely noting inflation and cost of living as the reason behind the boosts. After 2025, Wyoming will be one of just 20 states in our nation that chooses to keep our minimum wage equal to the federal level.
WY We Care: Wyoming has consistently held an affordable cost of living ranking compared to the rest of the country. With our cost of living sitting 7.6% below the national average, Wyoming secured the 18th cheapest state to live in during 2024. While this number varies across counties, our state as a whole has managed to maintain a lower cost of living for our residents; something we should strive to continue to do. Your Wyoming Chamber of Commerce has been working hard to advocate for policies that make Wyoming the best place to live, work, and do business, and we will continue to push forward into the new year and the new legislative session.